Events organized by CCP9


CCP9 community meetings & Conference

The CCP9 community meetings are the main events in which the whole UK electronic structure community comes together. The programme consists of invited and contributed talks, highlighting new developments in the field. A short session summarizing the activities of CCP9 and further steps resulting form these will be followed by more general discussion about the future strategy of CCP9, involving the whole community.


Annual Young Researchers Events

The key aims of these events are to bring students and postdocs together to (i) facilitate the growth of the Young Researchers CCP9 community, (ii) introduce them to the various research areas of CCP9, and (iii) provide networking opportunities to build support for their research and onward career development. Early Career Researchers give introductory talks, outlining their research objectives, focussing on questions such as ‘why’ the topic is exciting, and how they address it. Included in these events are open discussion sessions focussed on leadership and career development, as well as sessions about what young researchers expect from their communities (CCP9, Psi-k, CECAM).