A unique feature of CCP9 is its strong degree of integration with the related European Psi-k Network. The Psi-k mailing list, with over 5000 subscribers, distributes announcements of job positions, workshops and hands-on course, and has become the predominant community forum in electronic structure. The Psi-k Highlight plays an important role in disseminating the latest developments and findings within this community with many of the Highlights being subsequently published as topical reviews in either IOP Electronic Structure, or npg computational materials after a fast track refereeing process. Members of the CCP9 community that would like to suggest a possible highlights can do so by sending an e-mail to leon.petit@stfc.ac.uk.
While not formally part of the CCP9 remit, we enjoy strong connections with the other large European collaboration in electronic structure, CECAM. A large range of workshops and conferences are arranged through CECAM, including a number of events together with Psi-K and/or CCP9. The UK’s two CECAM nodes are the CECAM-UK-STFC node, hosted by STFC’s Daresbury Laboratory, and the CECAM-UK-JCMaxwell node, a collaboration of five leading UK universities.